

Emphysema is a common long-term lung disease.

In emphysema, the alveoli in the lungs are gradually destroyed, making it very hard to breathe.

The alveoli are tiny sacs in the lungs where oxygen from the air is absorbed into the blood. When these are damaged, people have difficulty absorbing oxygen.

The bronchi, or tubes which carry air into the lungs, may also become narrow and floppy with emphysema, so that it becomes harder to breathe in and out.

Often people with emphysema also have chronic bronchitis. The two conditions together cause chronic airflow limitation (CAL), and are sometimes called chronic obstructive airwave diseases, (COAD).

Most people with emphysema are smokers, or have been smokers.

However, once you stop smoking you may gradually reduce your chances of getting the disease. Genetic and environmental factors can also contribute to emphysema.


Breathlessness is the main symptom. Emphysema can vary widely in severity, from breathlessness walking up hills or stairs, to breathlessness just walking slowly along flat ground. The excessive phlegm production in chronic bronchitis leads to coughing and breathlessness.

There is no cure for either emphysema or chronic bronchitis, the symptoms can however be alleviated.

Smokers must give it up, and that includes passive smoking.

Drugs which make the airways wider are broncho dilators, some people with (CAL) obtain benefits from the use of inhalers.

Looking after yourself Emphysema is a long-lasting disease and you will have to make considerable changes to the way you live. Keep up your own interests and continue with your hobbies and exercise.

Research has shown that people with emphysema have excess amounts of cadmium in their bodies and the method to counter this is Selenium. Selenium is found in a diverse variety of foods, such as garlic, liver, eggs and many kinds of fish, including tuna. Whole-wheat flour is also a fairly good source of selenium, although white flour is not. (about 80 per cent of selenium gets lost in processing white flour). Breathing is very important for emphysema sufferers. Deep breathing should be avoided by practicing the Buteyko breathing method by shallow breathing via the stomach for you are getting far more air than is needed.

By James Charles

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